Support The Denver North Star and Local Journalism

As 2020 comes to a close, we’re grateful for the support of the community in helping us publish. This last year has been hard on newspapers, especially weekly and monthly publications. When small businesses temporarily or permanently closed this summer, newspapers like ours saw advertising dollars vanish overnight. At least 60 papers stopped publishing since the pandemic began. Despite the challenges, we’re proud that we’ve continued publishing with the support of our community. Please take a few minutes to help us improve more.

If you’re not already a member, please become one today! We’re excited to announce that the Colorado Media Project has selected The Denver North Star as one of 25 news outlets across the state for a matching grant of up to $5,000! Every dollar we raise between now and December 31 will be matched, including monthly contribution commitments. Please note that contributions to The Denver North Star are not tax deductible. We hope to use the first $5,000 to help make up lost ad revenue and the matching $5,000 to grow, adding more writers covering the type of investigative and community news pieces our community wants and deserves. We also hope to start improvements on our website, newsletter, and other technology, including bringing you more stories in between print editions.

  • Basic membership is only $30/year. If you live outside our distribution area, or would like a 2nd copy each month, we’re happy to mail you a copy each month if you request.
  • VIP membership is only $100/year. In addition to showing your strong support for community journalism, we’re also happy to offer VIP members a high quality Denver North Star t-shirt made by local business Nano Apparel. 

If you want to make your contribution online, please click here. We welcome and appreciate contributions of any amount and any amount up to $1,000 will be matched. If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable to The Denver North Star and mail to:

The Denver North Star
PO Box 11584
Denver, CO 80211

Thank you for your support!


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